Leveraging Employee Self-Service for Competitive Advantage 

a woman smiling with glasses

Across daily and business interactions, self-service is becoming the norm. From ordering at fast food outlets, online-banking and visitor digital sign-in, technology is empowering individuals like never before to take on many of these tasks themselves. 

In business, this shift not only enhances the employee experience but significantly impacts organizations’ operational efficiency, streamlining many of the once-complicated processes and reducing the number of employee requests that take up valuable resources. 

For accountants, CPA firms and Payroll Services Bureaus, adopting and integrating platforms and software with employee self-service functionality for their clients represents more than a technological upgrade—it is a strategic move towards offering more value-added services, improving client satisfaction, and gaining an edge in a highly competitive market. 

In this guide we will look at the benefits of employee self-service for employees, employers, CPAs and PSBs and how it can be a transformative change. 

The guide will cover; 

  • Understanding ESS: Where has it come from and what are its main uses? 
  • Benefits of ESS: what are the benefits of ESS for employees, employers and CPA/PSB firms? 
  • The keys to success: What are the steps and considerations when choosing and implementing an ESS platform for clients? 
  • The future of ESS: What are the future developments of ESS and how can you keep ahead of the curve? 
  • Competitive edge: How can you use ESS as part of your strategic advantage? 

Complete the form to download the guide now and discover how an ESS solution can benefit your firm, increase revenue potential and client loyalty.