Why Choose Cloud-Based Payroll?

cloud payroll
By Adam Walters | 02/08/2024 | 1 min read

Your family pictures are backed up on the cloud, but what about your payroll? Moving your payroll to the cloud can help streamline your company and get more from your payroll. Here are three reasons you should choose cloud-based payroll and how it can benefit you.

1. Reliability

When you move your payroll to the cloud, it becomes more reliable. It’s no longer only accessible through your work database but is instead accessible anywhere at any time. If the power is out at your office, there is a natural disaster, or there is a burglary and your office gets ransacked, your cloud-based payroll is accessible and secure.

2. Flexibility

Cloud-based payroll is accessible from any device from anywhere at any time. This allows your company to access, modify, and manage their payroll when it works best for them. This empowers flexible, hybrid, and remote workers and gives them the same level of access to their payroll information as those who work the traditional in-office hours.

3. Collaboration

Cloud-based payroll makes collaboration and communication easy. Because documents are automatically updated to the latest version, you no longer have to worry about if you are reading or working with outdated information. Whenever you open a file, you know you’re working with the correct information, even if another team member modified that document only seconds ago.

Get Started with IRIS

IRIS’s cloud-based payroll solution provides the tools to automate and streamline payroll. Whether you’re just starting or a worldwide corporation, IRIS has a payroll solution that can help you meet your needs and grow with you into the future.

Get started today and find out how IRIS can help simplify your payroll.

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