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Cambrean Financial

Cambrean Financial was faced with a dilemma - they needed a better way to process payroll, or they had to discontinue payroll services. See how they were able to streamline payroll using IRIS payroll solutions.

Cambrean Financial was founded in 1991 in the tri-state area. Initially, the team at Cambrean Financial concentrated on taxes, with some focus on payroll and payroll tax filing with plans to expand. In 2020, the business began an impressive growth trajectory by acquiring other firms. With that rapid growth and success, CEO Ravi Patel faced new problems that needed modern solutions.

The Problem

While Cambrean Financial focused primarily on bookkeeping and tax services, they also offered payroll services as an additional service. The biggest problem they faced when offering this service was having to fight against their software constantly. 

In the practice’s early days, spending 10-15 minutes to process each client’s payroll was not a major time investment. However, as they continued to grow and their clients grew, the time required to process payroll quickly piled up. Rather than taking only a few hours to process payroll for their clients, it could take days. 

For the team, payroll was meant to be a secondary service; Cambrean was primarily focused on its fundamental core services — bookkeeping, tax filing, and tax preparation. However, Cambrean’s previous payroll software slowed down payroll processing, impacting the team’s ability to focus on other services.

The business faced an ultimatum: find a better way to process payroll or discontinue payroll services.

The Solution

While trying to find a better solution, the team at Cambrean Financial did a demo with Payroll Relief. During the demo, Ravi and his team immediately noticed the platform’s intuitiveness and quickly adopted it. 

Cambrean Financial reduced payroll processing times from an excess of 15 minutes per client to as fast as one minute per client. By using Payroll Relief, in only a minute, they can perform a top-to-bottom payroll service for their clients. This includes processing payroll, generating up-to-the-minute reports, and sending all that information directly to their clients.

With Payroll Relief, payroll services that used to take days were finished in the blink of an eye.

The Results

Thanks to Payroll Relief, the team at Cambrean Financial can continue to create sustainable growth. Entrusting Payroll Relief enabled greater time and money savings while providing a more comprehensive payroll experience to their clients. Payroll services have become more cost-effective and integrate well with their existing bookkeeping processes, and feeding into their core business services. 

The CEO of Cambrean Financial, Ravi Patel, says, “What you see from other firms is grow, grow, grow, and then they hit a certain point where there are no processes in place, and there is a cap to client acquisition. We’re able to scale and grow while continuing to provide a high level of service because of our error-free processes.”

Paired with Payroll Relief, the team at Cambrean Financial is looking to continue to refine its processes across all services they provide to enable future growth.

Make Payroll Profitable with Payroll Relief

Payroll Relief was built from the ground up with accountants in mind at every step. Our goal is to provide you with the professional tools and support you need to make payroll profitable for your firm. 

By switching to Payroll Relief, you’ll have access to unprecedented automation and processing speeds, helping you streamline your processes and saving you time and money. We promise 100% calculator accuracy and support compliance within all 50 states, including local jurisdictions and federal regulations.

Contact us today to see how Payroll Relief can help your firm.